Tractor registrations remain high in 2022, though down on the previous year, despite price and supply chain challenges
Brussels, 5th April 2023 – Overall, just under 215,000 tractors were registered across Europe[1] in 2022, according to numbers sourced from national authorities. Of these registrations, 59,300 tractors were 37kW (50 hp) and under and 155,700 were 38kW and above. CEMA considers that 165,200 of these vehicles are agricultural tractors. The rest are made up of a variety of vehicles which are sometimes classified as tractors, which includes quad bikes, side-by-side vehicles, telehandlers and some other types of equipment. An overview of the total tractor registrations in each country can be found in the annex, including an indication of the proportion of registrations which can be classified as agricultural tractors.
Tractor registrations remain high in 2022, though down on the previous year, despite price and supply chain challenges
Brussels, 5th April 2023 – Overall, just under 215,000 tractors were registered across Europe[1] in 2022, according to numbers sourced from national authorities. Of these registrations, 59,300 tractors were 37kW (50 hp) and under and 155,700 were 38kW and above. CEMA considers that 165,200 of these vehicles are agricultural tractors. The rest are made up of a variety of vehicles which are sometimes classified as tractors, which includes quad bikes, side-by-side vehicles, telehandlers and some other types of equipment. An overview of the total tractor registrations in each country can be found in the annex, including an indication of the proportion of registrations which can be classified as agricultural tractors.
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